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First semester

The last post was almost 3 months ago, that, I am ashamed of and I will save you the excuses, as busy and crazy as final year is I am really...

Friday 16 January 2015

What happens in Durango, Stays in Durango.


So Picture it; my exams and coursework were finished, no studying or homework to be done over Christmas, the big Brother had just landed in town, the Christmas Holidays were just beginning and all my friends were coming over to my apartment before we headed out.

We filled the cars and headed down town, excited in the moment of everything good happening, I felt that a Leprechaun kick was extremely appropriate at this moment in time. 
So without revealing the names/name of the people/person who I was teaching the Leprechaun kick to, they unfortunately landed on my foot which resulted in excruciating pain and the end to my night. As sad as it was to leave everyone down town I could see the sign of relief on Shane's face when he found out we were going home; lets be honest, he was awake over 28hours, bed was a good idea.


Even though I spent the day limping around the apartment, I knew I couldn't miss out on my last chance to ski with everyone before they left Durango for good. We spent our last saturday together skiing, thinking back I am so glad I decided to join everyone, it's something I wouldn't change at all, one of the best days skiing.


After having everyone stay in my apartment for an unforgettable weekend, it was that time to start saying our goodbyes to all our friends who were finishing their time at the Fort. I don't think I've cried so much, it was one of the most enjoyable yet toughest couple of days; I feel like a broken record when I say this, though I have had a truly incredible first semester at Fort Lewis, I met soo many new friends, international and American, visited many spectacular places in west america, laughed so hard that it turned into tears most of the time, creating magic moments and learnt a whole lot about myself.

I will defiantly miss my friends who have left Durango but I know that I have to count my lucky stars that I get the opportunity to stay on and finish my year here. It won't quite be the same but I want to enjoy this next semester for what it is and what it has to offer. Here's to the next learning experience.


So after a lot of convincing and limping I decided to listen to everyone and go to the hospital and get my foot checked over just incase it happened to be worse than what I thought it was...

Although a visit to the hospital is not something that people find an enjoyable experience I can admit right now that it was one of the funniest moments to happen to me, with the moral support of the big bro (which wasn't that much, well he did manage to keep everyone at home updated on my unfortunate circumstances via snapchat).

Well that was the end of the skiing for the Christmas Holidays for me said the Doctor, 'You've broke your foot'. (Well thats what he thought)

 I could not for the life of me stop laughing, even when the Doctor had entered the room, all I could imagine was people asking me what happened to your foot and my only answer was 'I broke it, teaching my friend the Leprechaun kick'.....

Merry Christmas Mum and Dad... I Broke my foot!

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